Hi! Welcome to my new blog – a place for me to expand on my YouTube channel which focuses on exploring my hobbies. You’ll see a lot similar things to my channel; my cats, toy collecting, book reviews, journaling, ADHD/mental health, cars, mid/plus-size fashion, beauty, and so much more.
So, who am I?
My name is Jam – short for a name that’s too hard for most people to pronounce or remember! I’m a 30-something woman living in Australia with my partner, Mr Kat, and our 4 cats; Kenneth, Frankie, Olive & Autumn. We’re childfree by choice, and instead pour all of our love into our furry babies.
I know most people care more about animals than people, so let me skip over anything else about me (Because, let’s be real, I’ve already covered everything you need to know about me!) and instead skip to introducing my cats, because they’re the real stars of the show.
Here is my first baby – the one who started it all. I adopted Kenneth in February 2018 when he was 4 months old, and he turns 7 this year!! Absolutely blows my mind that my tiny baby is going to be a senior cat in 2024! He’s been with me through all the highs and lows of life, and is my number 1 buddy, always by my side through everything. He’s not the most affectionate cat, it’s very much always on his terms and nobody else’s, but he makes up for it by being so dang loud! Always responds to you with a meow (or 2.. or 3.. or 4), always greets visitors with headbutts and more meows, and just loves to have a chat.
Kenneth (Previously unnamed, pet ID number only) was adopted through the Animal Welfare League, located in Wingfield SA – an amazing company who I am happy to support.

There were a couple of cats in between Kenneth & Frankie, but sadly they were while I was with an ex-boyfriend and are no longer mine. But, Frankie was my second cat (Adopted by just me, and not with a partner). She was adopted in October 2022 while she was only 16 weeks old (Previously Chairo). She’s an absolute rascal and we’re fairly sure there’s only 2 brain cells clanging around inside that skull of hers. If there’s some sort of mischief that can be caused, you know Frankie will be the one to do it! But, at least she lets us know of any possible breaches (She’s our little white hacker, but for anything house related).
Frankie was adopted through SA Cat Rescue (SACR) at a Pet Stock branch – a small shelter who deserve all the support & donations they can get.

Our fluffy baby, Olive, was adopted in June 2023 – very much as an impulse purchase. We went to Pet Stock to buy cat food, and there they had some cages with lots of little babies. Olive (Previously Avocato) was absolutely screaming for attention, and after ignoring her at first, we just had to loop back to see what all the fuss was about. The SACR workers allowed us to get her out of the cage for some cuddles, and she was all over us. It was definitely love at first site, and on the spur of the moment, she ended up coming home with us. A year on and she’s quietened down considerably, but she will make her voice known when it’s dinner time and she hasn’t been fed yet! (Or a few hours prior, since it’s always dinner time in her eyes!)
Olive was adopted through SACAR at a Pet Stock branch.

The last of our clowder is Autumn (Previously Cleo) who was adopted in October 2023. She was definitely another impulse purchase, and one that we actually slightly regretted for a bit after. Autumn was very timid when we first got her, and would run away if you so much as looked in her direction. It’s taken the past year for her to feel fully comfortable in the house (Especially when Frankie makes it more difficult than it needs to be!), but she’s very happy as a lap cat these days. She spends most evenings curled up on my legs on the couch, and cold nights are spent in the same position, but in the bed instead. Seeing how far she’s come in the past ~year honestly brings tears to my eyes, because she’s such a different cat now than she was when we got her.
We adopted Autumn through Paws Hillbank Haven Rescue – the smallest shelter we’ve adopted from, who deserve all the support they can get.

So, that’s pretty much everything! If you’re interested, you can check out my 2 instagrams – one for my reading log & one for my channel – & if you want to check out my channel, you can do so here.
Thanks for reading!
– jam.